Victoria's Honey Bee site hosted by
Barry's Bees
Victoria BC, Canada


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Barry the BeeMaster Barry
is a local beekeeper serving the Greater Victoria area on the southern end of Vancouver Island, BC Canada. He is an accredited Bee Master and BCHPA certified instructor of Beginner's Beekeeping. He has been keeping bees for more than 20 years.

Rain Coast Bee Hive has been in development for more than 5 years to address the unique environment of the south Islands of British Columbia. Our local climate is warm but usually not excessively hot in the summer and cool but not excessively cold during our winter which is more of a rainy season. The high humidity of the rainy season adds a chilling factor that honey bees, a tropical insect, find difficult to survive in. Barry's Bee Hive has features that enable colonies of honey bees to better survive the rainy season, while being fully compatible with existing Dadant honey supers, frames, queen excluders and inner covers, as well as many other features.

Rain Coast Bee Hiove

Features are:
  • One insulated bee hive that can house 2 full sized 10 frame colonies

  • Brood chamber optimized for queen to lay 1,500 eggs per day

  • Aesthetically pleasing to the backyard garden with cedar shingle roof

  • Raised off the ground for moisture separation and ease of the human back for lifting honey supers

  • Removeable screened bottom with debris board for each colony

  • Compatible with standard deep frames
  • Compatible with standard deep insulated inner cover

  • Multiple entry ports for easy management

  • Stand designed to maximize stability and minimize tipping

  • Insulated sectional outer covers with overhang to minimize rain water entry

You can download the specifications in a PDF file here.

Rain Coast Bee Hive

(Patent pending)

$595 plus tax for Duplex

Delivery and setup optional ($60.00 within Greater Victoria)

Duplex Unit includes:

  1. 2 colony beehive with built in stand

  2. Interior left natural wood for bee health

  3. 1 coat of primer paint on the exterior

  4. 2 detachable screened bottoms with debris board for easy cleaning

  5. Compatible with standard deep frames
  6. Compatible with standard deep insulated inner cover

  7. Sectional outer cover with weather protection overlap (2 pieces)

  8. Roof sections covered with green metal

$795 plus tax for Triplex

Delivery and setup optional ($60.00 within Greater Victoria)

Triplex Unit includes:

  1. 3 colony beehive with built in stand

  2. Interior left natural wood for bee health

  3. 1 coat of primer paint on the exterior

  4. 3 detachable screened bottoms with debris board for easy cleaning

  5. Compatible with standard deep frames
  6. Compatible with standard deep insulated inner cover

  7. Sectional outer cover with weather protection overlap (3 pieces)

  8. Roof sections covered with green metal

You can download the specifications in a PDF file here.


  • Brood Super
  • Inner cover
  • Outer cover

  • Smock & Veil
  • Gauntlets
  • Peppermint Spray

  • Hive Tool
  • Bee Brush
  • Frame Tool

  • Cups
  • Grafting Tool
  • Capture Tool
  • Marking Tool