Honey Bee site hosted by Barry's Bees Victoria BC, Canada |
Home Hotline 250.213.2894 or by EMail |
is a local beekeeper serving the Greater
Victoria area on the southern end
of Vancouver Island, BC Canada. He is an accredited Bee Master and BCHPA certified instructor
of Beginner's Beekeeping. He has been
keeping bees for more than 20 years.Rain Coast Bee Hive has been in development for more than 5 years to address the unique environment of the south Islands of British Columbia. Our local climate is warm but usually not excessively hot in the summer and cool but not excessively cold during our winter which is more of a rainy season. The high humidity of the rainy season adds a chilling factor that honey bees, a tropical insect, find difficult to survive in. Barry's Bee Hive has features that enable colonies of honey bees to better survive the rainy season, while being fully compatible with existing Dadant honey supers, frames, queen excluders and inner covers, as well as many other features.
You can download the
specifications in a PDF file here.
(Patent pending)
$595 plus tax for Duplex Delivery and setup optional ($60.00 within Greater Victoria)
Duplex Unit includes:
$795 plus tax for Triplex Delivery and setup optional ($60.00 within Greater Victoria)
Triplex Unit includes:
You can download the
specifications in a PDF file here.